The Pony Club Association of South Australia Incorporated is managed by the Executive Council which is comprised of a number of office bearers and one delegates from each of the seven Zones.
The office bearers ( State Senior Executive charged to look after the day to day running of PCASA, between full Executive State meetings) consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents and State Treasurer.
The President and Vice-Presidents are elected at the Annual General Meeting which is held in the month of October, and serve two-year terms. One Vice-President is elected each year so that their terms overlap to ensure continuity.
The Treasurer is appointed by the Executive Council.
Current office bearers are:
The Patron for the Association is Clare Lindop from Racing SA
In addition, the Association employs a Secretary, Helen Paxton, full time. 10 am - 2.00pm, Monday to Friday
There are two permanent sub-committees of the Executive Council - the Chief Instructors Panel ("CIP") and the Rules Advisory Committee ("RAC"). Meetings of Executive Council and the two sub-committees are generally held every two months and all are usually held on the same day as some delegates must travel many hundreds of kilometres and attend all three meetings.
The Chief Instructors Panel ("CIP") is comprised of the Training Co-ordinator (appointed by the CIP), a delegate from each zone (often the Zone Chief Instructor), and other invited members who are usually instructors with many years of experience. Zones may also appoint a proxy delegate to attend in the event the delegate is unable to. The CIP is responsible to the Executive for all instructional matters. A Chairperson is elected from amongst the members.
The Rules Advisory Committee ("RAC") is comprised of a delegate from each zone and other invited members. Zones may also appoint a proxy delegate to attend in the event the delegate is unable to. The RAC drafts and recommends rule changes to the Executive Council. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are elected from amongst the members.
The Annual General Meeting ("AGM") is held during the month of October. Each affiliated Club is entitled to send two delegates to the AGM where a number of important items of business are determined.
When required, ballots for office bearers are conducted by post with every club having a vote. The votes are counted at the AGM and successful nominations are announced.
Other important business includes the determination of the dressage tests and mounted team novelties to be used in competition in the following calendar year.
Since every club can be represented, the AGM is an opportunity for individual clubs to "have their say" by moving motions (subject to notification requirements), speaking to motions and then voting on them.
Whereas changes to competition rules made by the Executive come into effect on 1 January of the following year, those made by resolutions at the AGM may have immediate effect. The constitution may also be modified at an AGM.