Bulletins and Memo from PCASA
Child Safe Compliance statement
The Working with Children Check is a Government enforced requirement that applies to anyone who works or volunteers with children (under the age of 18). The WWCC reviews the background of any person who works or volunteers with children in sport clubs, schools, child care centres, community groups, Churches and other organisations.
This link will take you to the PCA page which contains Gear Checker webinar, Gear Checker Manual & Gear Checker Exam. https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/pcancas/
The PCA incident reporting QR code to scan, this takes you to the report form
Information on B certificate
Manual is purchased via JustGo Workbook available through PCA
PCASA is working on ensuring that members and Club Admins have access to help with the new database. You can source a variety of resouces on the Pony Club Australia website https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/members/resources/ and you can also contact Ann Olsen ann.olsen@bigpond.com or Lynn Hamilton lmh63@outlook.com for assistance
Templates for the most commonly held activities, a Word version can be obtained from PCASA secretary - the Word doc is then changed where/as highlighted. These are designed to allow clubs to make changes to activities but they also have all the information to ensure they comply with current guidelines.
Risk management involves minimising risks facing the Association, affiliated clubs and their members (collectively referred to as the Pony Club), whether appearing in the form of financial loss or physical injury or damage or abuse. It includes a number of steps summarised as follows: Identifying risks which threaten the wellbeing of Pony Club; Assessing the importance of those risks and the consequences to Pony Club if they are ignored. The focus generally is on safety issues and minimising potential litigation; Designing a process to eliminate or minimise those risks; Documenting these steps in a Risk Assessment; Taking all possible steps to comply with that process; and Constantly reviewing the process so that it can be improved and grow to suit the needs of Pony Club; Risk managment is an ongoing process to be continually reviewed and updated at all levels. Documentation of this process is an integral part of the process and should be kept on file for future reference at all levels. Clubs must complete a risk assessment for each pony club activity and event, if you require help putting together a risk assesment contact the office for some examples that can be used as a starting point to help clubs develop their own documents and templates.
All memo's etc. on Coronavirus
Affiliation form for events